How many times have you caught yourself saying that there isn’t enough time in the day? Is this really the truth? There are many books on the subject of how to be highly successful as well as how to achieve a balanced life. If you’re like most people, you probably think these notions are for […]
Do you dread getting out of bed every day to go to work because your work environment is too stressful? You are not alone. 75% of employees believe that workers have more on-the-job stress than a generation ago. 62% of US workers reported having high levels of stress, involving extreme fatigue or feeling out of […]
Financial Stress can cause you sleepless nights and can be devastating. For dealing with that you need to have a good plan. There are varying degrees of financial stress. For example, consider the stress levels in these statements: Some people are fortunate enough to have never been in the last situation, but many people aren’t […]
Are mornings a mad rush at your house? By the time you find matching socks for the kids and answer the text messages that piled up overnight, you may feel like you’ve put in a full day before you even reach the office. You can make your mornings run more smoothly. With just a bit […]
If my grandfather, born in 1890, were to come into my house, he would not find his way around, neither in my household nor in my office. Our present generation has so many more opportunities to shape our working world and our private lives. But life has also gotten more complicated. We need to be […]
Right now, financial stress is causing a lot of turmoil for individuals and families around the globe. Actually, 87% of Americans are stressed about ever rising prices. While many in the media might downplay it and tell consumers things might not be as bad as they seem, the truth is many are fearful about the […]
How often do you feel stressed looking at papers piled on your desk, browsing through hundreds (and for many people, thousands!) of emails, or searching for your glasses, a book, a form, or a piece of equipment? Your ability to accomplish any task or goal is directly related to your ability to find what you […]
Stress is something that everyone in the world will experience. Some of us deal with a lot of stress – others, not as much. But one thing that we all have in common is that we all have a reaction to stress. When something happens to cause stress, we’ll react in either positive or negative […]
Somewhere on the way to the rest of your life, you realize that things aren’t going as planned. You might suffer from money woes or realize your marriage is in turmoil. It’s the kind of thing that makes you sit up and take notice – and seek help before it gets the best of you. […]
You surely heard the phrase: Time is Money. We may agree, but in practical terms, are you one of those people who turn around any penny you spend, but you do not think much about how you are spending your time? Do you try to do everything at the same time, but at the end […]
Whenever we enter into a new year, we are reflecting on what we did the last year, and we make some resolutions on what we want to accomplish the coming year. But more often those New Year resolutions are fading away just in a few days as the year is going by. The failure in […]