Perfectionism is quite a common character trait, that affects about 30% of the general population and increases to almost 80% among the gifted population. Besides being pretty common, perfectionism is also on the rise. It can significantly interfere with your daily life and your stress response, so it is important to identify perfectionistic character traits […]
Stress is something that everyone in the world will experience. Some of us deal with a lot of stress – others, not as much. But one thing that we all have in common is that we all have a reaction to stress. When something happens to cause stress, we’ll react in either positive or negative […]
When you think of things you might be addicted to, stress is never on your list, is it? Some people might put alcohol or nicotine, caffeine or even social media – but stress isn’t even considered. The idea of stress addiction might seem rather strange, thinking that most of us hate feeling stressed. However, many […]
Do you ever think about your thoughts? Most of us don’t. But evidence indicates that how we think can impact our feelings, our behavior, and even our bodies. If you were to one day record all of your thoughts, what would you discover? You might be surprised at what you found. What we think reveals […]